the recent episode of BPO girl being gang raped by 8 to 10 drivers in pune leaves our hearts beating and eyes opened. there cannot be a worst case of animal display, than group of sexually frustrated men ripping apart a girl in rape.
trying to understand why these men do what they do - no i am not giving my empathy...just trying to solve the problem by pinpointing the cause...
these men are sexually frustrated from childhood for many reasons...
1. lack of openness in our society to address sexual questions or discussions...hence these men are brought up in an environment where parents and society has build enough curiosity in their minds.
2. next - lack of sexual exposure, where one is forced to control his natural needs and wait for one day to get married and when he does - he treats his wife worse than how people treat sex workers…
3. post marriage – the rural or typical Indian girl is not allowed to be natural in bed (women are not suppose to have sexual desires you see), so they just 'be there' for their husbands …hence adding to his frustration
4. with unsatisfied desires, he starts looking at girls he thinks of, while f#@#$ his wife ...(he does exaclty that as knows not how to make love)…and ultimately plans to get her… if not her...some other...after all what difference does it make?
I guess we as a society need to bring this change together, for the frustrated animal (the man in question here) will not and cannot bring any change…
Think about it, why are the rape cases not too common in the so called modern group. The answer is, they are more exposed and open to the topic of sex, and also while growing up, somehow explore such opportunities - ofcourse with mutual consent…call it premarital or teenage sex, i dont care, but somewhere am glad that it satisfies their needs, hence creating lesser vultures in open.
Why can't parents be open about discussing sex with teenage children, rather than doing a hush hush job behind closed doors…kids today are not fools - treat them like adults !!!
I ask, what if we make sex legal ? I mean make it easy to buy, make it easily available and legal - commoditize it. It will give a vent to the frustration of these men, let them buy it easy and cheap and they may not find need to rape another innocent on the road.
I think it is time to treat this issue openly rather than conceal it…for more you conceal , more will it aggravate…