Monday, April 13, 2009

life of 20 somethings...

last week i had spent lot of time, rather some time with lot of people of 20 somethings...the 20 somethings live in a totally different world, different priorities . yeah once i was that too, but now when i look back, feels like such a journey.

my 20 something girlfriends could only think about the choices they had to wear to the next party they were off to, what to reveal and what to hide, which party to go to from the choices they had, what moves they can make with the guys this time. the weekends for them arrive not for relaxing and finish the unfinished tasks of the week, but for getting sloshed, making out and making the most of it by staying outdoors all night long. The guys i met live pretty much similar life, though i did not know their complete itinerary but from what i understood, their weekends are no different, if anything must be wilder...

i was on this trip some years back, yeah have been there and loved it, and thought that is how life is meant to live it ...which i happily did. But somehow i never knew when and how the tracks got changed, the transition was so gradual and natural that i did not feel it happen, and one fine day i realized that i was in that space no more, surprisingly i didn't long to be there or miss it...contrary to my belief then, that 'it was the only way to live'... now i guess i was reading different definitions...

after a long days work i now want to come back home to be comfortable, read a book, share time with spouse, watch TV or write (always a welcome thought) :) life changes ... it takes its own course, it has its own ways.

so i guess it is time for these kids to party and they should...coz one day without their knowledge tracks will change for them too...

till then, while things are the way they are for them...

...let kids have all the fun...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

always makes me fall in love

when i want to watch a nice movie and don't want it wrong...i pick up love actually and never goes wrong :)

makes me feel beautiful, leaves a feeling that the world is such a beautiful place, full of love and joy. i want to hug any and everyone i know and meet, feel like pick my phone and call all friends and tell them how much i love them (next time u get a call from know why and how), makes me wanna love people around, give them joy, make them feel that they are cared... it is so full of all forms...

the movie makes me fall in love - with love itself...


another thing about romance is that people get together right in the very end...

courtesy - movie love actually

Saturday, April 11, 2009

finally infy did it too...

it has happened...when we had just about believed the likes of Infy and TATA cannot do it...came a blow to prove us wrong.

Infosys did it too...laid off 2100 employees, yes they say poor performance, but we read the hidden message here 'poor economy'

Are the companies laying off to be blamed...? i am not sure. All i can say is, if the company laying off has enuff money to last this turbulence, not one employee should be touched...coz it is these very employees who helped them grow, and when the ship is rocking just a bit, you ask them to get off...? the point is, many companies are using recession as an excuse to cut cost and better the margins.

I say, if survival is an issue then ...maybe, else there is no way you should do it ... no other reason is justified...

wonder if there can be a committee to audit this kinda stuff !!!

if you are a good loser, you are a loser.

i am such a bad loser, be it a game or a bet stays with me and i actually work hard to come out of it...

they say, have sportsman spirit, yeah i have that, and that's the reason i play and want to win !!! else why compete if you are ok losing? most of you who read this will frown or even call me names for being such a b$#@$...

what the hell...i am what i am...and am glad to know that i am not the only one, i heard a friend say yesterday..."if you are a good loser, you are a loser" wow !!! that shows i am not the only one, i have some like minded people around !!!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

take me home...

I heard it again. And it still hurts.

I am tired of listening to Mumbaikars generalize north Indians as rude, aggressive, ruthless souls. These traits are found all around and not just exclusive to northindians…

Today looking at a guy from Jaipur who is soft spoken, a friend said “ he’s a northindian, a welcome change” . I only say, do not generalize. Coz when you do that it takes every northindian including my husband father, Tauji and many others into the same bucket …they, who are most polite people on this earth.

I am aggressive I agree…I have a voice and opinion, not because I am a northindian it is because “it is me”, and the way I have been brought up, with a right to speak my mind always. It is individuality of people and not a broad generalization.

I have not seen this in any other city but only in Mumbai…. So much of hatred / discrimination towards north Indians. I will say again… I am an Indian first, and I want to live with as much right as you do in a city of my own country…but things like this make me hate the city as much…and I wonder when destiny will take me to a city of my country where I am welcome.