Friday, February 15, 2008

Typical Delhi Attitude??

what the hell does this mean????

we interviewed a candidate today and asked for feeback from the interviewer, and i got an answer "he has a typical delhi attitude" and 4 people on the table started laughing, i asked what does that mean? i got a reply " every one around understood what i said" - i asked again..."no i did not - so please explain"....i get the answer " they think of themselves as something big even if they are not"...

well how can you generalize things like this - i call THAT an attitude...i cannot believe how much hatred people in mumbai have against north indian's or delhietes...

at one end raj thakckrey wants to throw out all the n-indians from the city and on the other hand in a corporate environment i hear such comments from these educated force...

such a shame...

can they not read the word INDIAN behind it....? we are all indian's before we are any regional person...have they not learnt anything after the british rule, that dividing the country gets you no good...

i was so hurt and insulted on the statement made...what is a delhi attitude man? you find good and ugly people all over...if beating taxi drivers on the road for being from UP is your mumbai attitude...then not worth it...if discriminating your own fellow indians is mumbai attitude?

my entire family has served indian defence forces and we lost a son from the family too in the war...all to safeguard the nation...only not knowing that nation does not consider it as one....

i have no words to speak....


Cosmic Joy said...

What you have experienced has unfortunately been an inherent part of human nature everywhere .. not just in mumbai, or india, but all over the world. And this is no new phenomenon .. its been there all along through the ages.

Its so easy for people to generalize an entire class or group of individuals simply based on origins, color, race, religion, sex, etc. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, we are all guilty of this ..

Let us consider others as fellow humans first before we categorize them as mumbaiites or delhiites or even Indians.

Deepali said...

Wow rough couple of days eh?

Generalizations are generalizations - even those of us who don't want to generalize, end up doing it at some point in time. It's unfortunate but as cosmic said, its an inherent part of human nature.

Lets not even get started about Raj Thackery and his 'gang'.

The question I have though is whether it would be that offensive if you weren't from delhi but rather somewhere else?

And something more interesting would be to see if the interviewer would have said the same thing if he didn't know this person was from delhi (I am assuming he knew).