Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Recently I was talking to a friend on how our generation is all about “one child only” philosophy, the debate went on that siblings are important to learn sharing, have memories etc and some how the conversation went to how my childhood and thought how my childhood would have been without my brother (2 ½ years elder to me).

I thought of my times as a kid, and I could not remember or think of any single memory without my brother. He was always there – everywhere. And then I learnt that my childhood would be so empty without him. Yes had I grown as a single child – I would not have anything to compare or miss…with totally new memories without him...but then, I do not want any childhood without him.

No no…we had our share of fights. We were never best of friends, nor are we today. We have a “Elder” brother and sister relation. He always strict on what I wore and whom I made friends with – even girls…but still I love him beyond words. I want him in every corner of my childhood and growing up.

I wonder if I choose the philosophy of 1 child only…I will be taking away privilege of so many memories the kid could have of the sibling, but then the debate goes on…with both parents working, parenting being so tough blah blah blah…

Well I do not have the answer to what is right…this post is written on yet another realization on how much I love my brother…and the times I had with him…even the horrible ones :)


Deepali said...

:) I like the ending of the post.

Well I always feel that memories are experiences you live therefore if there is no sibling involved, memories will still exist but just of another kind.

Most important I think is parents wanting to have more than 1 child. If someone is certain that they only want one child then that is right. If they feel that they want more children then that is right too (as long as they can afford to bring up children with enough resources - finance, time, energy, love etc)

Pranav G said...

As I am the only child of my parents I don't relate to this post of urs. But I do feel dat it may indeed give pleasure to one in recollecting his/her fond childhood memories with the sibling.

Cosmic Joy said...

So PK .. is this a sign of the coming good news?? :)

And to Deepali's comments, it is true that memories will exist. But once you realize the memories that you truly cherish, would'nt you want the same memories to be available for your kids?