so what if i have balls to do what i want to, and stand up to my rights - against the society, family and what if i have not made myself into a baby making machine like what is expected of a typical indian what if i want to lead my life my way and dont want to live terms dictated by parents, inlaws or husband
it does not make me any lesser women / person than you - or anyone for that matter ...
Reading your post reminded me that I had a killer one liner about society or something like that. I can't remember it now :(
Maybe it will come back to me.
Anyway I know 1 thing for sure. If you want to live on your own terms (and your terms aren't what the masses follow), especially in this country, you are going to have to fight. And a lot some times.
I think individuality is important. Unfortunately the majority of people in this country (especially) don't think that way.
It is a tragic state of affairs. Keep fighting :)
oh this battle i will die fighting...btw when i was writing this, i knew there is one person who will totally understand what i am saying ie you :)
Haha always.
Hopefully as time progresses there will be more people who will believe that they should do things they want to do and the way they want to do it and that it is worth fighting for.
So when are you going to have one??
PK if you feel like giving lots of gaalis to Cosmic please do lol.
nahi deepali...anyways cosmic is an eid ka chaand let him come and say what he wants...i dont want to scare him away....
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