Sunday, December 16, 2007

double "cosmic" relation

i believe in stars, destiny, fate, etc...and meeting deepali yesterday, we have no connection from the past, got to know each other on net and became friends, and i actually like knowing her, if it is not the "cosmic" karma then what? and this is a double cosmic karma, one for the planets and the stars that drives the world and other ... we came to know each other thru cosmic of cosmicjoy.blogspot fame...hence this is a friendship of double cosmic relation...the "cosmic" karma :)


Deepali said...

and i actually like knowing her thank you thank you - thought lets see how long it lasts lol.
just kidding.
we'll make movie plans next time.

Deepali said...

Oh and I wrote a post too - i doubt i can link it here cause i dont remember the html formating to do so but its on my nicks blog.

Cosmic Joy said...

Wow .. cosmic surely does not deserve any credit for this.

Best wishes for a lasting friendship between the two of you :)

Deepali said...

Mere comments kahan jaate hai?

Btw Prerna you should take note of how cosmic writes on your blog and how he writes on mine.

Some day I will get you for this cosmic

just pk said...

@ deepali - if i did not like knowing you, i would not have taken the pilgrimage from suburbs to lesser suburbs...

@ cosmic - credit should be given when own upto ur deeds

@ deepali - hey, i wonder why but ur comments don't reach my emails, and i miss them as hardly publish them logging in...

just pk said...

@ deepali - by the way...never noticed the difference on cosmic's comments...if need be lets both get to him...

Cosmic Joy said...

(cosmic smiles gleefully)

In rome, do as the romans do .. and on blogger, my comments will be as per my impressions of the blog owner :P

Deepali said...

haha achaaaa you wait cosmic - one day i will get you...justification and all your giving - tsk people have no shame these days

just pk said...

@ cosmic - what goes is what comes careful of the comments you post !!!

Cosmic Joy said...

See where speaking the truth gets me :(